Online marketing is getting more complicated every day. If you're selling online using Google's AdWords for example, you know that alone cannot do the job. To properly cover your bases you must also get involved in several other methods of marketing such as social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization just to name a few.
What if there was an alternative to AdWords in the form of pay per sale ads that also covered these other marketing activities? It would have to be all inclusive and it would have to be a lot better than PPC to be effective. That's because people are tired of click ads that they increasingly ignore. So much so that we have ad blocking. In truth, it really looks like click ads are on their last run around the track. Whatever takes the place of these click ads that everyone is ignoring has got to be fresh. It's got to be new and inviting to both consumer and merchants/advertisers, and it would really have to have an attractive feature to get advertisers excited. We have developed just the thing!
First of all, instead of pay per click ads that are less than .01% effective, our invention is based on a pay per sale ads model where the advertiser pays only AFTER a sale has been made. What we have developed to take the place of traditional click advertising is a concept we call "referral-tising". So named because it's a clever combination of referrals and advertising or advertising through referrals to paint a more accurate picture. Further, it delivers referrals drawn on social media connections in a way that might be termed "friends helping friends".
Another shocking aspect of it that will unnerve the status quo, is that it removes the middle man90% of which comes from Google from the advertising equation. There is no need for people to book ads, no need for artists to design ads, no need for people to read ads, and no need for websites to place ads. It represents the final nail in the coffin for the pay-per-click ad because it uses people-to-people connections to sell products within a pay per sale ads model. While there is a fee paid to us for administering the program, in the end it is nominal and the bulk of what would otherwise be paid to the purveyors of click ads, goes to the consumer in the form of reduced prices for products as a "reward" for referring friends to the store where products were purchased.
To learn more about how our new advertising platform works and more importantly, what it means to you as a merchant, Check out this video, or take a study of this infographic to get a quick understanding of the core principles of our platform, or take the time to read about how our system works to deliver a superior advertising experience that replaces pay-per-click with a pay per sale ads model to the benefit of all.