The Click Ad As We Know It Must Die!
Here's Why:
- They are believe it or not .03% effective!
Sad. Such unimaginative creatures of habit we are. The very notion of advertising should be obsolete given that we are all connected. The BBB platform achieves a superior result through people-to-people referral connections. We call it "People-tising". MORE
- Click ads are a victim of "banner blindness" on the part of users
It's not something we made up! It's a real thing. Web users "learn" to ignore ads.
- Ads vs. Content Wars
The situation is so bad as to spawn ad blocking software!
"Rise of mobile ad blockers has advertising industry worried"
Add it all up: ads are killing the web and they must die!
Ads are literally killing the web. Personally I have an iPhone and I'm a news junkie. I read ad-blocked content. But once in a while there are photos in the article so I check out the "regular news site" full of pop-ups, pop-unders, video ads, floating interstitials, and plain old intrusive banner ads with X-close buttons so small you end up clicking on the ad just trying to close it. So I give up and go back to the ad blocked content and when I see pictures I might want to view, I don't even try anymore. If it weren't for ad-blocking software, I would probably not bother with it at all.
As A Result...
The web is becoming a giant supermarket-tabloid content producing, garbage purveying cesspool of a place. I call it the spam-ternet, or the huckster-net.
Now, advertisers: is THIS the image you want to sell to your audience? One of annoyance? You want to be of service them not annoy them. You are laming your brand by turning viewers OFF not ON by the very use of the click ad.
Here Then:
We have invented a socially-driven, exponential shopping rewards platform that is virtually automated in how it works, and simply amazing in how it will transform social commerce.
For Shoppers:
- Get a Discount + Valuable Buddy Bucks on Purchase.
- Alert your Facebook friends to what you've purchased with one click at time of checkout, then...
- Earn viral Buddy Bucks via "People-tising"
- No Sign Up Required! If you have a Facebook account you can "Buddy".
- Buddy Bucks are portable! One Reward redeems at ALL stores.
- Redeem Buddy Bucks for incredible discounts and even free stuff!!
For Merchants:
- BBB replaces "Social Media Marketing"!
- BBB is a Viral Social Lead Machine.
- No "2nd Storefront" needed. Sell where you do now.
- BBB is a Social Media-driven Exponential Rewards Program.
- BBB is an Inventory Maximizer.
But most of all, there is nothing you have to do to participate. Just shop online as you would, and on the checkout page of your purchase you have the one-click option to "Buddy" that purchase (or specific items from that purchase). AND THAT'S IT! We bring this up because so very many of the typical rewards sites have you do so many "marketing tasks" that it becomes work!! BBB is pure fun and no work just as life should be!