Sales RULE #1: What's In It For Me?
Motivate the Shopper to Be Your Salesperson MORE
Sales RULE #2: Make It Good For Everyone
Give the Merchant a Superior Selling Tool MORE
Sales RULE #3: Make It Easy
One Click at Time of Checkout MORE
Sales RULE #4: Make It Cool
Three Levels of Viral, Exponential Rewards MORE
Sales RULE #5: Make It Disruptive
We're Making the Click Ad Obsolete! MORE
By cleverly "getting in between" the online transaction with exponential rewards that go viral resulting from deep social media connections, we've demonstrated that our highly scalable, predominantly software product has the potential to revolutionize online selling, online advertising AND online rewards platforms.
BUT WAIT... The benefits to BBB go deeper than what the above chart has demonstrated. Check out some of these other benefits:
To learn more about how our pay per sale lead generation replacement for PPC advertising works, check out this video, or take a look at this infographic to gain an understanding of the core principles of our platform, or take the time to read about how our system works to deliver a superior advertising experience that does away with the annoying and largely ineffective click ad model finally and completely to the benefit of all.