(760) 688-9990

(760) 688-9990

Escalate Sales of Your Products with an Advanced Marketing Tool

★ More advanced than keyword search

★ More direct than email

★ More effective than click ads

★ One marketing tool to replace all others!

  • More advanced than keyword search
  • More direct than email
  • More effective than click ads
  • One marketing tool to replace all others!
  • Instead of paying for click-throughs regardless of whether shoppers buy or not, why not pay after they purchase?
  • Instead of wasting your time "marketing" on social media sites, have your customers do it for you!
  • Instead of diminishing your marketing efforts with SEO, PPC, Facebook, Twitter, emailing, and blogging, why not use one powerful tool that does it all?

We have developed a powerful tool — called Buddy Buddy Buddy — or simply BBB — that does all of this and more through an automatic referral feedback loop that rewards your customers when friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends purchase from your store.

BBB works by motivating shoppers with rewards and sale items to drive an endless stream of socially-driven referrals to your store.

The referral process is "automatic" to you, because BBB issues and tracks rewards — so all you do is sell — and BBB’s system does the rest.

And best of all, instead of paying for leads — whether they convert or not — you pay ONLY for referred sales, and ONLY after the purchase!



    Instead of paying Google for PPC, you can shift those dollars to deals for your customers who tell their friends — who tell their friends — who tell their friends, and so on. The result is a stream of shoppers who are all motivated to buy because of the exponential rewards they earn.

    Without having to factor in PPC costs into every item, you can outsell your competition and pass the savings directly to your customers. And with each customer rewarded for purchases their friends make, and their friends friends make, and their friends friends friends make, it doesn't take much to see that this is one remarkable sales tool and the first of its kind to leverage the deep interconnections of social media. And best of all, once you have signed up with BBB, you pay for advertising only after sales occur.

    Replace social media marketing with a system that prompts shoppers to socially market your store and your products.

    Forget marginally effective, time consuming marketing tasks like Facebook-ing, Twitter-ing, emailing, etc., and focus on what you do best: SELLING. BBB's system rewards your customers to do these marketing tasks for you!

    BBB is a unique, socially-driven reward system for shoppers that turns every shopper into a "bird dog" for your store and delivers three levels of rewards to consumers that draw on deep social media connections to amplify and multiply each referral exponentially. The result is an endless stream of motivated shoppers to your store. And you pay-per-sale — not pay-per-click!

    BBB will be available at participating online stores issuing Buddy Bucks rewards with purchases by you — with additional rewards issued when your social media friends, your friends' friends, and your friends' friends' friends also purchase from the same store. Thus delivering the world's first exponential shopping rewards platform.

    Here’s how it works: Customers tell social media (let’s say Facebook) friends with one click from the purchase confirmation page what they bought from your store. When any friends buy, they are rewarded again. Then when the friend does the same thing, they are again rewarded, and then again down one more level. Everyone in the loop is rewarded too. Each social media user typically has over 100 friends. When 100 friends tell 100 friends who tell 100 friends, that equates to over 1million points of possible contact — all resulting from just one sale!! So you can see how quickly the levels of rewards will spike sales. And while rewards drop off after three levels, the referrals themselves continue on and on. This unique system eliminates myriad marketing efforts with one powerful tool that drives sales — not just visitors or leads, but referrals — the most preferred level of customers.

    Our "Buddy Bucks" rewards will have outstanding redemption value with purchase at all participating "We Buddy" stores, and they are "portable" across all stores. This is another "first" in online marketing. In other words, Buddy Bucks rewards earned from purchases and referrals at an electronics store will be redeemable with purchase at a shoe store that is also a We Buddy store.

    Drives Additional Traffic to Your Store through Reward Redemptions

    As rewards start to pile up for customers, that's when the true power of the system starts to become evident. Merchants place items on sale for a mix of dollars and rewards and start what BBB calls a "referral train" in one of three ways:

    • Use limited loss leader discounts
    • Use overstocked item discounts
    • Outsell the competition on top tier items by not having to factor PPC costs into your pricing.

    Keep in mind that every sale item purchased starts a referral train of motivated shoppers to your store... Who tell their friends,.. Who tell their friends... And so on.

    There are two types of BBB sale item: those that issue rewards, and those that redeem rewards.

    Items that issue rewards are called "premium sales." They offer a standard 3% discount and issue a set number of rewards based on the sale price (excluding shipping costs).

    Items that redeem rewards are simply called: "redeem sales." Redeem sales are creatively marketed and priced to spike referrals and sales.

    BBB's system allows you to structure redeem sale discounts on a cascading scale. For example: you can set the first 5 redeem sales for a particular item at 50% cash/50% reward redeem; then the next 10 sales at 75% cash/25% rewards; the next 20 at 80% cash/20% rewards, and so on. We'll coach you and offer advice and support, but it's ultimately up to you. The only requirement is to offer a specific ratio of redeem sales items vs. premium sale items which the BBB system then manages automatically!



  • Replaces Pay-Per-Click

Instead of paying Google for PPC, you can shift those dollars to deals for your customers who tell their friends — who tell their friends — who tell their friends, and so on. The result is a stream of shoppers who are all motivated to buy because of the exponential rewards they earn.

Without having to factor in PPC costs into every item, you can outsell your competition and pass the savings directly to your customers. And with each customer rewarded for purchases their friends make, and their friends friends make, and their friends friends friends make, it doesn't take much to see that this is one remarkable sales tool and the first of its kind to leverage the deep interconnections of social media. And best of all, once you have signed up with BBB, you pay for advertising only after sales occur.

  • Replaces Social Media Marketing

Replace social media marketing with a system that prompts shoppers to socially market your store and your products.

Forget marginally effective, time consuming marketing tasks like Facebook-ing, Twitter-ing, emailing, etc., and focus on what you do best: SELLING. BBB's system rewards your customers to do these marketing tasks for you!

BBB is a unique, socially-driven reward system for shoppers that turns every shopper into a "bird dog" for your store and delivers three levels of rewards to consumers that draw on deep social media connections to amplify and multiply each referral exponentially. The result is an endless stream of motivated shoppers to your store. And you pay-per-sale — not pay-per-click!

  • Attracts Consumers

BBB will be available at participating online stores issuing Buddy Bucks rewards with purchases by you — with additional rewards issued when your social media friends, your friends' friends, and your friends' friends' friends also purchase from the same store. Thus delivering the world's first exponential shopping rewards platform.

Here's how it works: Customers tell social media (let's say Facebook) friends with one click from the purchase confirmation page what they bought from your store. When any friends buy, they are rewarded again. Then when the friend does the same thing, they are again rewarded, and then again down one more level. Everyone in the loop is rewarded too. Each social media user typically has over 100 friends. When 100 friends tell 100 friends who tell 100 friends, that equates to over 1 million points of possible contact — all resulting from just one sale!! So you can see how quickly the levels of rewards will spike sales. And while rewards drop off after three levels, the referrals themselves continue on and on. This unique system eliminates myriad marketing efforts with one powerful tool that drives sales — not just visitors or leads, but referrals — the most preferred level of customers.

  • Offers Superior Rewards

Our "Buddy Bucks" rewards will have outstanding redemption value with purchase at all participating "We Buddy" stores, and they are "portable" across all stores. This is another "first" in online marketing. In other words, Buddy Bucks rewards earned from purchases and referrals at an electronics store will be redeemable with purchase at a shoe store that is also a We Buddy store.

  • Drives Additional Traffic to Your Store through Reward Redemptions

As rewards start to pile up for customers, that's when the true power of the system starts to become evident. Merchants place items on sale for a mix of dollars and rewards and start what BBB calls a "referral train" in one of three ways:

  • Use limited loss leader discounts
  • Use overstocked item discounts
  • Outsell the competition on top tier items by not having to factor PPC costs into your pricing.

Keep in mind that every sale item purchased starts a referral train of motivated shoppers to your store... Who tell their friends... Who tell their friends... And so on.

There are two types of BBB sale item: those that issue rewards, and those that redeem rewards.

Items that issue rewards are called "premium sales." They offer a standard 3% discount and issue a set number of rewards based on the sale price (excluding shipping costs).

Items that redeem rewards are simply called: "redeem sales." Redeem sales are creatively marketed and priced to spike referrals and sales.

BBB's system allows you to structure redeem sale discounts on a cascading scale. For example: you can set the first 5 redeem sales for a particular item at 50% cash/50% reward redeem; then the next 10 sales at 75% cash/25% rewards; the next 20 at 80% cash/20% rewards, and so on. We'll coach you and offer advice and support, but it's ultimately up to you. The only requirement is to offer a specific ratio of redeem sales items vs. premium sale items which the BBB system then manages automatically!

Remember, we market the BBB concept for you because we don't make money unless and until you do! We also manage and track the rewards — so all you do is sell! We will use your customer mailing list to send out routine email blasts to both explain the benefits to users, and to alert them to timely deals.

We are offering a discount to the first ten stores to sign up — that's 50% off of the usual $1,500.00 sign up fee. This includes the software, our ongoing marketing efforts to your customers on behalf of Buddy Buddy Buddy (see sample Video EMail Blast here), and ongoing support for as long as you remain a customer. There are no contracts. We don't make money unless you do so, it's in our best interests to make sure you succeed with our system.

After the sign-up fee you pay BBB only 2.8% per sale. We will bill you every month.

Call Dale to Sign Up: (760) 688-9990

Email Dale w/Questions: dale@doyoubuddy.com

Learn More: www.doyoubuddy.com

Step Up to the Future of Online Marketing


Watch the BBB Story
(90 seconds):

"Ye Olde Silicon Valley and
the Sword In The Stone"

Watch CEO Dale Wozny demonstrate
BBB Exponential Rewards
(3 1/2 minutes)

Watch the BBB Story
(90 seconds):

"Ye Olde Silicon Valley and
the Sword In The Stone"

Watch CEO Dale Wozny demonstrate
BBB Exponential Rewards
(3 1/2 minutes)

Watch the BBB Story
(90 seconds):

"Ye Olde Silicon Valley and
the Sword In The Stone"

Watch CEO Dale Wozny demonstrate
BBB Exponential Rewards
(3 1/2 minutes)


Watch the BBB Story
(90 seconds):

"Ye Olde Silicon Valley and
the Sword In The Stone"

Watch CEO Dale Wozny demonstrate
BBB Exponential Rewards
(3 1/2 minutes)